4 revenue-boosting email campaigns you'll put live in 1 hour

4 revenue-boosting email campaigns you'll put live in 1 hour

StrategicJune 10, 2024

You want more sales for your web shop and know that e-mail marketing can contribute to this. Only: e-mail marketing is not your only responsibility. You deal with SEO, SEA, website and inventory management and maybe even customer contact. In short: you don't have time for sending emails. Time is not an issue for these four email campaigns. Each of them can be ready within an hour and generate revenue just as quickly. Get started quickly!


A common excuse for neglecting e-mail marketing is lack of time. Due to multiple responsibilities and tasks, there is little room to set up extensive e-mail campaigns. Therefore, we briefly explain four automations that save time without sacrificing sales.

Did you know that you can e-mail customers about their order without subscribing to the newsletter? This also applies to commercial emails, such as abandoned shopping carts and win-back campaigns. Read here what else is allowed under the GDPR.

In Reloadify, many of these automations (and more) are ready for you by default. All you have to do is design the email. Create one template for that, which you customize for each automation.

The abandoned shopping cart campaign

Average time to live: 30 minutes

The lowest hanging fruit in email automation is the abandoned cart campaign. Even with a campaign consisting of one email, you generate a lot of sales.

How does this automation work? A visitor places items in the shopping cart and enters his or her email address. The purchase is not completed: your webshop and the items are abandoned. The shopping cart, combined with the email address, are synchronized with Reloadify. This allows you to send a reminder to the visitor in question.

Example of an abandoned shopping cart email

A shopping cart automation starts by filtering the desired target audience. For example: a profile that left a shopping cart one hour ago.

The email contains all the customer's products, along with a link to order all items directly. The shopping cart products are prepared for you by our platform in a dynamic product feed, which you drag and drop into the email. So you always show the right products, without having to do anything.

Expert: add a discount code to the e-mail. Rather not give a discount code to the same shoppers over and over again? Filter your target group by the number of times the profile has received the email in a given period. This way you avoid giving the customer a discount (and cheaper shopping) with every abandoned cart.

Example audience settings shopping cart abandonmentExample abandoned shopping cart mail

Win back campaign

Average time to go live: 45 minutes

With a win back campaign - the name says it all - you approach dormant customers. These are the customers who haven't placed an order with you in a while. How long this has been depends on the products you sell.

There are several ways to win back dormant customers. A few ideas:

  • Give away a discount code (which may have a limited validity, create urgency);
  • Share your latest products;
  • Remind the customer of his or her previous order (and hint at a repeat purchase);
  • Or update your customers in a personally crafted email.

Example of a win back campaign

As an example, a win back campaign for customers who placed their last order 6 months ago. This group needs to be persuaded with a discount code to make a new purchase. You reach the right customers by filtering on: all profiles with a last order 6 months ago.

Example audience settings win back campaign

In the email you place a discount code plus the latest products from your range. Both parts are fully dynamic and save you a lot of time. All you have to do is set up the discount code and the dynamic product feed once.

As an example you can see below the settings of a dynamic product feed. This example assumes that products are added to the web shop every 14 days. With these settings, the product feed keeps itself up-to-date. Easy, right?

Settings dynamic product feed

Now when customers have not ordered anything for six months, they will receive the email below. Success guaranteed.

Example win back mail

Discount on second order

Average time to go live: 45 minutes

Retaining customers is cheaper than constantly attracting new ones. Therefore, encourage customer loyalty. Thank customers for their first order by, for example, offering a discount on their second order.

Do you choose to thank new customers for their first order? Then keep in mind the order status of that first order. It's a waste to give customers a discount when their order hasn't even been delivered yet. Filter by the order time of the first order combined with the order status (completed). In the example below, orders are delivered to the customer within two days. By filtering on an order moment from three days ago, you know - as good as certain - that the customer has received the first order.

Example targeting settings loyalty campaign

In the email itself, add the promised discount code. Tip: Place the discount code at the top of the email. That way, the recipient can immediately see what you have for him or her. Under a festive photo or image, optionally add a personal message, along with some products for inspiration. For example: a dynamic product feed with the most popular items of the moment.

Example email loyalty campaign: discount on second order

Welcoming new subscribers

Average time to go live: 60 minutes

You want to persuade new visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. This gives you the opportunity to keep them up-to-date about promotions and your product range. And so you persuade them to place (more) orders with you. To get them to do this, you must first give new subscribers a warm welcome. You do this with a welcome campaign.

Tip: use a pop-up on your website to get visitors to sign up for the newsletter. To persuade them, promise a discount code of, say, 10%. You can also set up a pop-up in Reloadify.

To filter new newsletter subscribers, search by the subscription time. Because the email also works as a confirmation, send the email immediately after subscription.

Example audience settings welcome campaign

You keep the welcome email simple. You welcome the new subscriber and give the promised discount code. Close the mail with, for example, the popular products (again, as a dynamic product feed). This way you give the recipient inspiration to use the obtained discount immediately.

Example welcome mail
Tip: Expand your welcome campaign with a follow-up email. Send an email a few days after the registration in which you further introduce your shop and tell what the customer can expect.

Time-saving tips for email marketing

  • Design a template according to your corporate identity and save it. That way you never have to design an email from scratch and you can get right to work on the message of the email.
  • Make use of dynamic product rows. With the creation of dynamic product rows, you no longer have to manually drag and drop products into the email. Choose one of our ready-made rows (such as last purchased products or cross sell products), or create your own dynamic product feed.
  • Expert: use our RFM filters and instantly see which customers belong to the top of your database, or the ones you are in danger of losing.

By activating the above four mail campaigns, you lay the foundation of your e-commerce marketing. Not only good for more sales: you also establish a relationship with your customers. Getting the hang of email marketing? Expand your marketing with retention emails.

StrategicJune 10, 2024
background Swoosh

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