Increase webshop sales with this social media strategy

Increase webshop sales with this social media strategy

StrategicJuly 4, 2024

Set up your social media strategy easily with this step-by-step plan. Get more webshop sales in no time. This blog offers practical tips and proven techniques to optimize the social media strategy and increase webshop sales.

Whether you're just starting out or want to improve your current approach, these strategies will help you advertise effectively, reach your target audience and maximize conversions. Read on quickly.

Why a social media strategy for your webshop?

A presence on social media channels is here to stay. Social media offers an opportunity to promote the shop, reach a wider audience and improve interaction with customers. An effective social media strategy helps to achieve your goals. Think more website traffic and increased conversion, to improved customer loyalty. In addition, when more channels start working together in webshop marketing, it creates a uniform image of your webshop.

The social media strategy

A social media strategy for the webshop starts with creating a plan. Set a goal in advance, identify target audiences, and create a schedule. A social media strategy is part of your e-commerce marketing.


The social media strategy starts with creating an objective. Set clear and measurable goals for the social media activities. Whether you want to generate more website traffic, increase sales or increase brand awareness, make sure the goals are specific and achievable. Goals may include:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Increased engagement and interaction
  • Increased conversion and sales

Be sure to formulate your goals SMART so they are measurable. Of course, they should also align with your overall marketing goals.

Target Group

Identify the target audience or audiences by analyzing demographics, interests and online behavior. This helps create targeted content that resonates with potential customers. What target groups does the online store have? And on which channels are they active? There are different users on TikTok than on Facebook. This means that you will be serving different target groups, which also have different content needs. For each target group you start by collecting data such as age, gender, income, interests, hobbies and favorite social media channels. In this way you work from the target group: on which channels are the target groups present? That is where your webshop must be present.

What are competitors doing?

Analyze what competitors are doing on social media. This will give you insight into what is and is not working within the industry of the web shop. Use this information to improve your own strategy and stand out from the competition. In addition, the content of competitors inspires.

Content planning

Now that the goal and target audience are clear, it's time for content planning. On which social media is the shop active? And when do you post? Content planning is essential for consistency and effectiveness on social media. Create a content calendar in which the frequency and type of posts are clear. Vary the content to keep the audience interested, from product photos and customer reviews to blog articles and behind-the-scenes videos. Variety is nice, but also make sure your content is consistent and valuable. Tools like Hootsuite help plan and automate posts, saving you time and effort.

A sample content schedule:

  • Monday: Inspirational quotes and team updates
  • Wednesday: Product highlights and offers
  • Friday: User-generated content and success stories
  • Sunday: Blog posts and articles

Need more examples of what's being posted on social media? Then consider the following topics:

  • Inspiration: Motivate customers to use products that fit a certain lifestyle.
  • Educational: think of fun facts, instructional videos or a blog
  • News: news about the webshop or the industry itself
  • Content from influencers
  • A look from behind the scenes

Free engagement tactics Are you finding it difficult to get started with social media? In that case, we'd like to give you some engagement tactics to keep customers captivated.

Tip 1. Respond actively Actively respond to the fan base when they comment on your post. Because you're responding yourself keeps the conversation going. Often customers also really like the fact that their response is seen. Other customers also see this, which in turn is an incentive to post a comment as well. By actively responding, Meta sees this as "valuable content", so the post ends up in the customers' timeline sooner and more often.

Tip 2. Giveaways Giveaways or other fun contests are always well received by the audience. There is something to win on the page. For this, customers often just need to like the page and sometimes share a post. This allows for greater reach in a short period of time. Not only that, it also increases engagement with customers. Often this is temporary, as there are always a few customers among them who will follow just for the sake of the win. The tactic is precisely to keep customers enthralled after the win action.

Tip 3. Polls, questions and games Keep engaging the fan base by asking them questions via social media. This can easily be done through a poll or a fun quiz. Customers often enjoy being involved in choices, new assortment or voicing their opinions. Give customers this opportunity by regularly engaging them in this way.

Different types of channels

By now, we know a whole range of social media channels. Which ones are interesting for your business and which ones might not be? Below we explain some of the channels you can be active on.


TikTok is the perfect place to share creative and short videos that engagingly showcase products. The platform has a younger audience, which is ideal for brands targeting Generation Z and millennials. Use TikTok to track trends and challenges and create viral content that increases brand awareness.



Pinterest is a visual search platform that works extremely well for web shops. The platform is often used for inspiration and planning purchases. By pinning attractive images and descriptions of products, you generate traffic to the webshop and bring products to the attention of potential customers.

Pinterest voorbeeld


Instagram is essential for sharing visually appealing content. With features such as Stories and Reels, products can be promoted in a variety of ways. Instagram is especially effective for brands focusing on lifestyle and fashion, as the platform is ideal for sharing stylish and inspiring images.

Instagram voorbeeld


Facebook remains a powerful platform for both organic and paid promotions. With extensive targeting options, specific demographic groups can be reached. Facebook also offers features such as Shops and Marketplaces to sell products directly through the platform.

Facebook voorbeeld


LinkedIn is especially useful for building professional relationships. The platform is ideal for sharing content that highlights expertise and industry knowledge. Use LinkedIn to share thought leadership articles and connect with potential business partners and clients.

Using Influencers

Influencer marketing can give a huge boost to your social media strategy. By working with influencers who have a large and engaged audience, you can promote your products in an authentic way. Choose influencers that fit well with your brand values and target audience to get the best results. There are platforms that offer influencers with specific services. This way, you don't have to specifically look for an influencer. This also makes the process of hiring a good influencer many times easier. Think of twilight entertainment, for example. Nowadays you can find influencers everywhere: on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, BeReal, Snapchat and Instagram. Read up in advance on exactly what type of influencer marketing you need. It is sometimes quite difficult to determine what type of influencer is needed for what. It would be a shame if you choose the wrong people who are not relevant to your audience or reach. For example, you have the following categories:

  • Mega influencers
  • Macro influencers
  • Meso influencers
  • Micro influencers
  • Nano influencers

What are mega influencers?

Mega influencers are influencers who have more than one million followers. By channel, that is. Mega influencers can often be found on every channel. Among mega influencers, we often see famous people such as singers and famous athletes. Ordinary people are also often enough mega influencers. Just think about Nikkie de Jager. So mega influencers have a huge reach, which is a big advantage. The disadvantage is (often) that the engagement of their followers is low. Mega influencers generally have a choice of who they work with. As a result, their price is very high. Do you want decent reach and visibility for your brand? Then a mega influencer is for your business.

What are macro influencers?

Macro influencers are slightly smaller in scale and have between one hundred thousand and one million followers. Macro influencers can be found on fewer channels than mega influencers, so their engagement with their audience is higher. Macro influencers are particularly interesting for companies that are not yet doing a lot with social media, but want to make a lot of impact on social media at once. For a jump start, "hitching a ride" on the success of a macro influencer is certainly not a bad idea. Macro influencers are very professional and this is what you pay for. A big advantage is that they have a reasonably large reach, along with a reasonably good engagement with the audience. In other words: The audience they have will respond and like more than with a mega influencer.

💡 Did you know that mega and macro influencers have been subject to legislation since July 2022? This ultimately protects influencers' followers. Want to know more? Check

The cost for macro influencers is relatively high. On the other hand, the returns can also be very high. What is also good to know is that macro influencers are used regularly. This action may come across to your audience as not unique. As a result, you lose authenticity ('person X is advertising company X again').

What are meso influencers?

Meso influencers are influencers with a fan base of fifty to one hundred thousand followers. With meso influencers you have a smaller reach, but often much higher engagement. Because they are smaller than the very big ones, they are very critical with whom they want to collaborate. The collaboration must match what they want to project. Meso influencers find this much more important than mega influencers. This is also one of the reasons why their engagement is higher. They want to stay connected with their target group. This keeps their credibility and your credibility intact. Meso influencers believe that their content should always remain relevant to their followers. This group is ideally suited for somewhat smaller campaigns for both brand recognition and interaction with your target audience.

What are micro influencers?

Micro influencers are influencers with about five thousand to fifty thousand followers. Do you serve a niche market? Then you are in the right place with micro influencers. These influencers often share their interests and hobbies in a specific niche market. They have a smaller reach than previous influencers. On the other hand, their engagement per post is many times higher. This means that their followers are genuinely interested in the content they offer. You as a company just have to fit in here. Do you fit the bill? Then you can bet this could be the boost you've been waiting for. Do you want to create a bond with your target group? Then go for a micro influencer.

What is a nano influencer?

Nano influencers have a maximum of five thousand followers. Nevertheless, they do belong to the influencer category. This group has an enormously strong bond with their followers. Precisely because their fan base is still fairly small, they are very tied to their audience. You may not expect them to be as professional as the other influencer groups, but they are well on their way. Nano influencers can be recognized by the fact that they share content about what they themselves find interesting. What they are really passionate about. Followers therefore see them as trustworthy. Like micro influencers, they serve a niche market. These influencers can be found on one or two channels and are not active on a daily basis. They still do it "for the hobby. Although they may well charge a fee for working with them. As you read above, it is not only important to check how much reach an influencer has, but also whether the influencer fits your business. With the right influencer and the right input, a lot can be achieved.

Begin vandaag nog met een social media strategie

Om de webshopomzet te verhogen met social media, is een goed doordachte en toegewijde strategie essentieel. Een social media strategie is een onderdeel van de webshop marketing. Social media biedt de mogelijkheid om een breder publiek te bereiken, je merkbekendheid te vergroten en directe interactie met klanten te stimuleren.

Door verschillende kanalen zoals TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, en LinkedIn effectief in te zetten, zijn specifieke doelgroepen aan te spreken. Het formuleren van duidelijke doelstellingen, het analyseren van je doelgroep en concurrenten, en het plannen van consistente, waardevolle content zijn cruciale stappen. Daarnaast kunnen engagement tactieken zoals actieve reacties, weggeefacties, en interactieve polls helpen om je klanten betrokken te houden en je merk te versterken. Met deze strategie ga je niet alleen je zichtbaarheid vergroten maar ook daadwerkelijk je omzet verhogen. Begin vandaag nog door bijvoorbeeld je segmenten van Reloadify te synchroniseren richting Meta. Hulp nodig? Bel, mail of chat met ons. Plan vrijblijvend een demo in met Sammy.

Start today with a social media strategy

To increase webshop sales with social media, a well thought out and dedicated strategy is essential. A social media strategy is part of webshop marketing. Social media offers the opportunity to reach a wider audience, increase your brand awareness and stimulate direct interaction with customers. By effectively using different channels such as TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, specific target groups can be addressed. Setting clear goals, analyzing your target audience and competitors, and planning consistent, valuable content are crucial steps. In addition, engagement tactics such as active comments, giveaways, and interactive polls can help keep your customers engaged and strengthen your brand. With this strategy, you will not only increase your visibility but actually increase your sales. Start today by syncing your segments from Reloadify to Meta, for example. Need help? Call, email or chat with us. Schedule a no-obligation demo with Sammy.

StrategicJuly 4, 2024
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