New feature: Segments

New feature: Segments

NewsFeaturesJuly 30, 2020

Do you know which customers bring in the most revenue for you? Or which customers placed 1 order and never came back? With the segments' module in Reloadify, this is now a matter of the past.


Segments’ module

Segments in Reloadify allow you to create target groups within your customer base. Choose from over 60 rules and combine them to create target groups relevant to your shop.

After you have created a segment, we will show you valuable information about this segment such as the average time between orders, lifetime value, and which products they buy.

Then easily add your segment to a trigger or newsletter and communicate more personally with your customers thanks to the segments' module.

How to add a segment to Reloadify?

1. Define your target group. In this example, we define a VIP customer as someone who has placed more than 10 orders with a total lifetime value greater than €1000.

2. Analyze. After you have saved your segment, you can compare the statistics with the rest of your customer base. We will show you valuable information about the segment you created, such as the number of profiles in the segment, and the number of orders and value within your web shop.

Segments in Reloadify

3. Communicate. Identify your valuable segments and communicate through triggers or newsletters within Reloadify.

Below, we give you some cool ways our customers use segments:

  • Invite VIP customers to a special shop night at the warehouse
  • Unique offers to one-time buyers
  • Discovering products that encourage repeat purchases
  • Creating segments at the brand level and communicating at the brand level
  • Give customers who have made a one-time purchase an extra push to buy again
Example VIP segment

4. Keep track of statistics. Check within Reloadify how much your segment has converted in total, how many orders came out per segment, what the average order value per customer is, what the average number of products ordered by the segment is, what the lifetime value of the segment is and how much time there is between orders. All ins and outs can be found in Reloadify under the statistics of your segment.

More info

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NewsFeaturesJuly 30, 2020
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