Visitors to return to your webshop: here's how to do it

Visitors to return to your webshop: here's how to do it

StrategicMay 28, 2024

One of the biggest challenges for any webshop is attracting new visitors, as well as retaining existing customers. Did you know that it is much more cost-efficient to keep visitors coming back than to constantly recruit new customers? In this blog, some tips to keep people coming back to your webshop.


Are you looking for the bigger picture? Getting visitors to return to your webshop is a crucial part of e-commerce marketing.

1. Optimize the webshop

A successful webshop starts with a critical look at the website. Are you having trouble figuring out where to start optimizing? We would like to give you a few tips.

For example, think carefully about the following issues:

Website speed: Research shows that a delay of just one second in webshop load times can have a significant impact on conversion rates. Speed up load times to improve the user experience and attract more customers.

Easy navigation: Make it easy for customers to navigate through the webshop. A clear layout with clear categories and a prominent shopping cart button are essential to avoid overwhelming customers.

Responsiveness: Make sure the website adapts to different screen sizes, from desktop to mobile. A seamless experience across all devices increases the likelihood that visitors will stay and convert.

Visual appeal: Choose high-quality images that grab attention. Avoid an abundance of text on the homepage and let the product images speak for themselves.

By being critical of these aspects and constantly striving to improve, you lay the foundation for a successful online store experience for customers. Not only these points, other things also contribute to the return of visitors.

Personalize the experience

Use data such as purchase history and browsing habits to make personalized offers and recommendations. Customers feel valued and understood when you know their preferences. Consider blocks such as “other customers also bought” or “similar items.” These blocks are often recommendation blocks based on previous customers' purchase behavior. Sometimes they are also random items. We encourage you to think about how to fill these blocks. Conversion increases incredibly when the right recommendations are made to customers.

recommendations Reloadify

Improve the checkout

Make sure the online store is easy to navigate and has a smooth checkout process. A positive user experience makes a difference between a one-time visitor and a returning customer.

According to Baymard Institute research, approx:

  • 22% of online shoppers did not complete their purchase because of a lengthy or complicated checkout process.
  • Another 26% abandoned their shopping cart because they had to create an account first.
  • While 48% abandoned their purchase because of hidden costs, such as unexpected shipping costs during the checkout process.

Clearly, people don't want hassles while shopping online. They are busy and want to be able to check out quickly. One of the best ways to achieve this is to make the checkout process as simple as possible.

A smart move is to offer customers the ability to buy as a guest. Without them having to create an account. This lowers the barrier to purchase and reduces the risk of abandoned shopping carts. By making the checkout process quick, easy and straightforward, you increase the likelihood of customers completing their purchase. In short, to increase the conversion rate of the webshop, it is essential to optimize the checkout process.

A well-functioning search bar is essential for providing a seamless user experience on the Web shop. It allows visitors to find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently. Here are 6 tips to optimize the search bar to improve user experience:

Autocomplete and suggestions: Implement an autocomplete feature that provides suggestions as users type. This helps them find what they are looking for faster and prevents spelling errors.

Synonyms and alternative spellings: Make sure the search bar recognizes synonyms and alternative spellings. This allows users to find relevant results even if they don't use exactly the right term.

Filter options: Integrate filters into the search function so that users can refine their search results based on criteria such as price, brand, category, and so on. This makes it easier for them to find exactly what they want.

Visual cues: Use icons or labels to clearly display the different filter options so users can quickly understand how to refine their search.

Responsive design: Make sure the search bar works well on all devices, including mobile devices. A responsive search feature contributes to a positive user experience regardless of the device being used.

Analytics and optimization: Use analytics tools to track users' search behavior. This allows you to gain insight into which search terms are popular and where users are struggling. Use this information to continually optimize and improve the search bar.

Applying these tips will significantly improve the search experience on your website and help users find what they are looking for quickly and easily. This results in higher user satisfaction and can even lead to increased conversion and customer loyalty.

At the webshop MetOlijf, search bar optimization gave as much as 15.5% more conversions.
Metolijf zoekbalk

2. Reward loyalty

Implement a loyalty program where customers earn points for every purchase they make. These points can be redeemed for discounts or exclusive offers, encouraging customers to come back. Such a loyalty program can often be set up in the back-end. A good example is the HEMA. With the HEMA loyalty card, points can be earned per purchase. It does not matter whether the purchase is made online or offline. Either way, the points are added to your balance. At a certain number of points, you will receive a voucher in your account. This can be €2.50 off, 10% off or a free product, depending on how many points have been accumulated. This encourages you to make your next purchase as well as spend the points again.

Hema loyaliteitsprogramma

3. Deliver excellent customer service

Customer service is the cornerstone of a successful online store. Make sure customer questions and problems are responded to quickly. A positive experience will make them more likely to return. For a physical store, this is very easy. Customers get answers right away. For online shopping, this can be a challenge. Live chat is almost impossible to imagine in the world of e-commerce. This is because the customer does not have to leave the website, type a long e-mail or pick up the phone. He stays on the website and asks his question directly to an employee.

80% of companies believe they deliver great customer service*
8% of customers believe companies deliver great customer service*

*According to our sources at Belco

4. Strengthen online authority

In addition to improving the website and services, it is also important to create visibility. The more visible you are among your audience, the more likely they are to return to the online store for a purchase. To do this, you need to understand your target audience. For this, you set up a marketing strategy. Next, distribute content.

Keep customers informed about new products, offers and events through emails, newsletters and social media. Stay relevant and valuable to them so they don't lose sight of the online store.

Strengthening online authority not only increases visibility but also builds a strong relationship with customers, which is essential to the success of the online store.

When strengthening online authority, consider the following:

1. Blogging

A blog is a powerful tool to demonstrate expertise and share valuable content with the audience. By blogging regularly on topics relevant to the industry and target audience, you show that your webshop is an authority in that area. Offer useful tips, insights, case studies and news updates to inform and inspire your readers.

2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

A strong presence in search engines is essential for increasing your online authority. Optimize the website and blog posts with relevant keywords and provide high-quality backlinks from other trusted websites. Focusing on SEO increases online discoverability. This creates more organic traffic, which contributes to online authority.

3. Social media

Social media is a powerful platform to promote the brand and build online authority. Share valuable content, respond to questions and comments from followers, and participate in relevant conversations within the industry. Being active on social media shows that you are engaged with your audience.

4. Newsletters

Newsletters are an effective way to stay in regular contact with customers. Deliver valuable content directly to their inbox, such as product updates, exclusive offers, and helpful tips and advice.

5. Marketing automations

Automate marketing processes to work more efficiently. Use marketing automations to deliver personalized content and maintain customer relationships. By investing in marketing automations, your online authority can be strengthened without a lot of time and effort.

By focusing on these five strategies, you will build relationships with your target audience. Stay consistent, relevant and valuable in all your online interactions.

Above all, it's about the experience customers have had with the online store. Keep customers coming back by focusing on usability and personalization. Want to know more about marketing automations and how to get more revenue from your customers? Then contact us for a demo and experience it for yourself.

StrategicMay 28, 2024
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